YELLOW STONE 500g – PS200-500

$7.87 (inc GST)

YELLOW STONE 500g – PS200-500


YELLOW STONE – is a powdered stone for making moulds. 

  • Mix 45mL water to 150g Yellow Stone (general guide).  
  • Tap out bubbles. 
  • Pour into mould.  
  • Allow to harden before removing the mould.

Vary quantities and ratio of stone to water, to suit your own personal preference.


Baby Hands (or Pet Paw) Lifecasting Instructions:

  1. Make sure you have these items ready:
    • 1 x 450g Kromopan (Skin Safe Chromatic Alginate that Dentists use). 
    • 1 x 1kg Yellowstone (a more refined Plaster of Paris)
    • 2 x tall containers or beakers, at least 500mL capacity
    • 2 x Mixing sticks and a satay stick
    • Petroleum Jelly (only needed for pets)
    • Read through the instructions below before starting, as it is quick setting.
  2. Cover your child’s hand with a light mist of water. (With pet’s paw, cover all hair/fur with petroleum Jelly).
  3. Mix with a mixing stick, 450g Kromopan with 1L of 23degC water in a tall container. (Takeaway containers are perfect for children’s feet or pet’s paws).
  4. Mix until creamy.  It will start purple and slowly turn pink.  You have about a minute to a minute and a half to mix.
  5. Place your child’s hand or pet’s paw into the Kromopan while it is still purple/pink in colour and hold them there, until the colour changes to light blue. (This may take a couple of minutes).
  6. When the Kromopan feels bouncy when pressing your thumb against it, remove your child’s hand or Pet’s paw.
  7. In the other container, mix with a mixing stick, 1kg Yellowstone with approximately 300mL water.
  8. Mix until creamy and gently tap out bubbles.
  9. Pour the Yellowstone slurry into the set Kromopan mould.
  10. Once the Yellowstone is hard (this may take an hour), remove the whole Kromopan/Yellowstone mould from the container.
  11. Peel the outside Kromopan away from the Yellowstone.  For detailed areas, use a satay stick to remove small pieces.
  12. Congratulations! You now have a treasured keepsake. 

Additional information

Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm

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